Blogs on movies inspired by books

Let your ideas be altered and enlarged with this handpicked selection of movie reviews that provide bold views and explore the profound effect of movies on culture, the society we live in, and even our own lives, inviting (click now to view the blogs) readers to join in on the changing conversation.Movie SoundtracksHorror and Science Fiction Movies

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The Lost World Jurassic Park Movie Review

The sequel to the biggest dino flick ever made, The Lost World tried to up the ante by having MORE DINOSAURS THAN EVAH and even more, a T-Rex in San Diego! Of course, it also fell victim to... wait a minute... you mean it (blog post) was the same writers and director (blog) responsible? in (blog post) the..?Source: The Lost World Jurassic

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We All Scream for Ice Cream Movie Review

This week marks the beginning of the March of the Clowns! Or last week was supposed to, but I'm a flakey fucknugget and lack discipline. Either way, the review of the day is We All Scream for Ice Cream, a story made by the director of Child's Play for a Showtime television series. Think Twilight Zone, or Outer Limits, without the deep moral lesso

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Mandy Movie Review

I'm supposed to type something out here to let you all know exactly what kind of a movie Mandy is. The problem with that, is in order for me to be able to accomplish this task, I first have to (blog post) know what kind of a movie Mandy is. After several times watching it, I'm action movie reviews still not sure. However! It sure has a lot of est

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